EU leaders want increased EU border controls – Clune SHORT

EU leaders want to
fast-track the establishment of an EU border and coast control force to tackle
the flow of migrants and improve security measures. Last night at an EU summit
in Brussels, they urged each other to implement measures to stem the migration
flow across the Mediterranean. Details of the proposed new EU border force were
outlined during the week in the European Parliament. The Fine Gael MEP Deirdre
Clune explains more about the proposals.

Out words: new agency

Dur: 00:23

Irish coast guard could benefit from EU border control force – Clune

The Irish coast guard could benefit from
increased support from proposed EU measures to increase the EU’s border
controls. That’s the view of the Fine Gael MEP Deirdre Clune.
EU leaders want to speed up the establishment
of an EU border and coast control force to tackle the flow of migrants and
improve security measures. Last night at an EU summit in Brussels, they urged
each other to implement measures to stem the migration flow across the
Mediterranean. Well details of the proposed new EU border force were outlined
during the week in the European Parliament. Here’s Deirdre Clune.

Out words: got

Dur: 00:34 

Strong border controls important – McGuinness

EU leaders want to speed up
the establishment of an EU border and coast control force to tackle the flow of
migrants and improve security measures. Last night at an EU summit in Brussels,
they urged each other to implement measures to stem the migration flow across
the Mediterranean. Well details of the proposed new EU border force were outlined during the week in the European Parliament. The  Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness says recent events
in Europe highlight the need to improve the border controls.

Out words: states themselves

Dur: 00:36