EuroParlRadio is a free service for Irish radio stations. While it receives EU funding to provide this service it is totally editorially independent.
The aim of EuroParlRadio is to help people in Ireland to understand what is happening in the European Parliament and to increase the coverage of the European Parliament’s activities. Our Editor-in-Chief is the award-winning Irish journalist Karen Coleman.
Our team of independent journalists follow the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg for Irish broadcasting outlets.
We conduct interviews with MEPs and produce high-quality audio clips for broadcast on news bulletins along with longer interview versions suitable for news and current affairs programmes.
If you would like to receive our audio reports please submit your request to us here and we will include your details in our data of recipient radio stations.
For more information please contact us directly.
Irish MEPs
There are 11 Members of the European Parliament representing Ireland in 3 constituencies.
They are the Dublin Constituency, Midlands North West Constituency and South Constituency.
For more information on Ireland’s MEPs you can go to the EuropeanParliament’s Ireland website.
EuroParlRadio provides its service free of charge to all bona fide Irish radio stations.
Broadcasters retain editorial control relating to content and transmission.
Where possible, we would like you to attribute the material you get from us to EuroParlRadio. We understand that may not be always possible with news bulletins but we would request attribution to EuroParlRadio for use of our material in programmes. This helps us to know where our audio material is broadcast and it helps to retain the integrity of our service.