Mercosur deal could decimate European beef market – McGuinness

An EU trade deal with the Mercosur bloc
of South American countries could decimate the European beef sector. So says
the Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness. She’s concerned the EU is willing to
sacrifice certain sectors of the agriculture industry in Europe to secure a
comprehensive trade deal with the Mercosur countries.

Dur: 00:31 

EU Commission ‘over-stepped the mark’ on Mercosur deal – McGuinness

The Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness is
warning the EU Commission is jeopardising the Irish beef sector by giving too
much to away in its trade talks with the Mercosur countries. The
EU is currently negotiating a comprehensive trade agreement with the
South American bloc known as Mercosur. MEPs are concerned the EU is willing to
sacrifice certain parts of the agricultural sector in its desire to strike a full
EU-Mercosur deal. Here’s Mairead McGuinness.

Dur:  00:33