Carthy advises maintaining pressure on Mercosur beef promises

The Sinn Fein MEP Matt Carthy says it’s
imperative that on-going pressure is applied to ensure that beef remains out of
any EU trade deal with the Mercosur group of South American countries. Mr
Carthy was reacting to comments made earlier in the week by the Agriculture
Commissioner Phil Hogan.
Commissioner Hogan told farmers
in Wales that beef would be ‘off the menu’ and would be withdrawn from the
Mercosur trade negotiations.

Dur: 00:37 

Independent TDs like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates – Carthy

It’s not often that one of Hollywood’s most
famous actors and much loved films would be used in a description of Irish
politicians. But that’s exactly what the Sinn Fein MEP Matt Carthy has done. The
Midlands North-West MEP evoked a famous line from the film Forrest Gump and its
actor Tom Hanks today, when he slammed the group of Independent TDs who’re
supporting Fine Gael in government. Mr Carthy has implied they’ve effectively
betrayed their voters.


Beef off the Mercosur menu for the moment – McGuinness

The future prospect of cheaper imports of
South American beef threatening the Irish beef industry has been alleviated for
the moment. So says the Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness who echoed comments
made earlier in the week by the Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan.
Commissioner Hogan told farmers in Wales that beef would be ‘off the
menu’ and would be withdrawn from trade negotiations with the Mercosur group of
South American countries. But Mairead McGuinness is warning the ongoing
EU-Mercosur trade talks have to be monitored closely to ensure beef doesn’t go
back onto the menu.

Dur: 00:26