Citizens’ convention delaying Eighth amendment repeal – Boylan

The Citizens’ Convention that’s tasked with examining the eighth amendment, will only delay a much-needed referendum on its repeal. So says the Sinn Fein MEP Lynn Boylan. She was speaking ahead of a debate tonight in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on recent attempts by the Polish government to impose a near total ban on abortions. Lynn Boylan, is calling for an immediate referendum to repeal the eighth amendment which places the life of the unborn on an equal footing with the life of the mother.

Out words: immediately

Dur: 0.35 

Release of Apple ruling could take up to a year – Carthy

It could take up to a year before we see the publication of the EU’s recent ruling on Apple’s tax affairs in Ireland.That’s according to the Sinn Fein MEP Matt Carthy. He was one of several Irish MEPs who this week discussed the Apple case with the EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. The Midlands North-West MEP said the Commissioner told them the Government and Apple were holding up the release of the report. 

Out words: as possible

Dur: 00:36 

Carthy calls on Government ‘to stop delaying’ release of Apple ruling

The Sinn Fein MEP Matt Carthy is claiming the Government and the tech giant Apple are delaying the publication of the EU’s recent ruling on Apple’s tax affairs in Ireland. Mr Carthy says this was confirmed to him by the EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager who made the ruling against Apple. Ms Vestager discussed the Apple ruling with several Irish MEPs this week.

Out words: this decision

Dur: 00:39