EuroParlRadio’s Karen Coleman talks to FG MEP Deirdre Clune about the ECB/Mario Draghi decision not to participate in the Irish Banking Inquiry.
Out words: on this
Dur: 3:00
EuroParlRadio’s Karen Coleman talks to FG MEP Deirdre Clune about the ECB/Mario Draghi decision not to participate in the Irish Banking Inquiry.
Out words: on this
Dur: 3:00
The European Central Bank has a democratic
duty to appear before the Banking Inquiry. That’s the view of the Fine Gael MEP
Deirdre Clune who was speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Ms
Clune is encouraging her fellow MEPs to press the ECB to participate in the
Oireachtas inquiry and to explain their role in decisions taken that impacted
on the Irish economy.
Out words: of democracy
Dur: 00:18
The decision by the European Central Bank
not to participate in the Irish banking inquiry has been heavily criticised by
some Irish MEPs. The Fine Gael MEP Deirdre Clune says that the decision by the
ECB President Mario Draghi to decline the invitation to go before the
Oireachtas Inquiry runs against the interests of democracy.
Dur: 00:35
Out words: in that