MEP calls for more training of Guards and judges on domestic violence – Clune

The Fine Gael MEP Deirdre Clune is calling
for more training of guards and judges on how to deal with cases of domestic
violence. Ms Clune’s call for increased training comes as the European
Parliament today debated ongoing violence against women in Europe and other
parts of the world.  Today is the
international day for the elimination of violence against women and girls. Ms
Clune says our Gardai and judges require up-skilling to deal with domestic

Dur: 00:26 

Sinn Fein MEP calls for ‘fundamental right to housing’ to tackle child poverty

Children in Ireland are at a higher risk of
poverty than most other EU countries. That’s according to Eurostat figures
which were referred to by the European Parliament this week. The Eurostat
findings show that around thirty four percent of children in Ireland are at
risk of poverty. That’s higher than the EU average figure of 27.7% [twenty
seven point seven percent]. MEPs this week called on EU countries to boost
their efforts to combat child poverty and social inequalities.  The Sinn Fein MEP Lynn Boylan says provision
of social housing is crucial to combat child poverty in Ireland.

Dur: 00:33 

Ireland worse than EU average on child poverty – European Parliament

Ireland has one of the highest numbers of
children at risk of poverty in Europe. That’s according to Eurostat figures
which show that nearly thirty four percent of children in Ireland are at risk
of poverty. That’s higher than the EU average figure of 27.7% [twenty seven
point seven percent]. The Eurostat survey was referred to by the European
Parliament this week. MEPs called on EU countries to boost their efforts to
combat child poverty and social inequalities. The Sinn Fein MEP Lynn Boylan was
one of the MEPs who supported the calls.

Dur: 00:30