O’Brien entitled to banking privacy – Hayes

The billionaire businessman Denis O’Brien
is entitled to privacy on his banking deals with the IBRC. That’s the view of
the Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes who was speaking from the European Parliament in

Dur: 00:31  

Broad media ownership required for Ireland – Hayes

The Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes is calling
for a broadly based ownership of the media in Ireland. Mr Hayes’s comments
follow yesterday’s publication of the media merger guidelines by the Minister
for Communications Alex White. There’s been speculation recently that
Independent News and Media, INM which is controlled by the businessman Denis
O’Brien, may be interested in acquiring TV3. Here’s Brian Hayes.

Dur: 00:40  

European ‘narrative’ on Irish recovery distorted – Carthy

Stories about the Irish economic recovery
are being exaggerated at a European level. That’s according to the Sinn Fein
MEP Matt Carthy. Mr Carthy raised the issue of home repossessions in Ireland when
he spoke in the European Parliament this week. The MEP for the Midlands
North-West constituency says Europeans don’t realise that austerity measures
are still taking their toll on people at home.

Dur: 00:35