European Parliament calls to make access to water basic human right – Boylan

The European Parliament is demanding that
the EU Commission recognises that affordable access to water is a basic human
right. The MEPs want the EU to follow up on a European Citizens’ Initiative
which saw almost two million people sign a petition demanding the EU introduce
laws that would make access to water and sanitation a human right. The Sinn
Fein MEP Lynn Boylan, who led the campaign to push the vote through the
Parliament, says it reinforces the need to ensure profits are not made from
public commodities such as water. 

Dur: 00:36 

Country-wide initiative needed to take refugees in Ireland – Hayes

A nationwide approach involving national, local
and community groups is needed to ensure Ireland takes in as many refugees as
it can handle. That’s the advice from the Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes who was
speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. This morning the President
of the European Commission said the EU needs to help resettle one hundred and
sixty thousand refugees many of whom are in Italy, Greece and Hungary. Here’s
Brian Hayes.

Dur: 00:23 

Binding refugee quotas needed for all EU countries – Hayes

The President of the European Commission
has pleaded with EU countries to open their arms and help the tens of thousands
seeking refugee in Europe. In his State of the Union address this morning, Mr
Juncker told MEPs that Europe’s own history has been marked by millions of
people fleeing persecution and oppression. The Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes says binding
quotas need to be introduced to ensure every EU country takes their share of

Dur: 00:42