Interview with Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes on Trump

The Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes talks to Owen Stafford about Enda Kenny’s
criticism of Donald Trump’s comments on immigration, which the Taoiseach
described as racist and dangerous.  Relates to 2 stories previously files on this.

Out words: support him for it

Dur: 3.05

Trump needs a taste of his own medicine – Hayes

The Taoiseach should not be diplomatic with the words he uses to describe controversial comments made by US Presidential
hopeful Donald Trump. That’s the advice from the Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes. Mr
Hayes was reacting to suggestions from the Chairman of Republicans Abroad Ireland,
Tom Plank, who said the Taoiseach needed to better phrase his words about Mr
Trump. Last week in the Dail Enda Kenny described Mr Trump’s views on immigration
as “racist and dangerous”. Brian Hayes says Donald Trump needs to be told up
front that his inflammatory comments are wrong.

Out words: straight up

Dur: 0.35

Interview with Brian Hayes on CAB-like agencies across EU

Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes talks to Owen Stafford about the need for
other EU countries to use Ireland’s Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) as a model in
pursuing criminal assets. Relates to 2 stories previously filed on this

Our words: these criminals 

Dur: 4.14