Refugees stranded in Turkey deserve some quality of life – McGuinness

The Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness says
Turkey has a responsibility to ensure that refugees stranded there have some
quality of life. She was speaking in the European Parliament which was
addressed today by
the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.
The UN has expressed concern over an EU-Turkey plan
to ease the migrant crisis.
Under the plan all migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey would be
returned and for each Syrian sent back, a Syrian in Turkey would be resettled
in the EU.
Here’s Mairead McGuinness.

Out words: sort of life

Dur: 0.20

European Parliament cracks down on illegal pet trade – Ni Riada

The European Parliament today approved new
rules designed to prevent the transmission of animal borne diseases like foot
and mouth disease and avian flu. The new rules should also help crack down on
the illegal trade in pet animals. Under the draft laws the European Commission would
be empowered to make EU countries set up national databases of dogs, cats
and other pets if required. The Sinn Fein MEP Liadh Ni Riada says she’s hoping these
rules will help prevent animal cruelty and illegal puppy farms.

Out words: particular one

Dur: 0.31

MEPs approve new rules on containment of transmissible animal diseases – Ni Riada

in the European Parliament have voted through measures to halt the spread of transmissible
animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease and avian flu. The draft law
further clarifies the responsibilities of farmers, traders and
animal professionals including vets and pet owners in preventing transmissible
diseases among animals. They 
will be
obliged to apply the principles of good animal husbandry and prudent use of
veterinary medicines. Vets will have to raise awareness of the interaction
between animal health and welfare and human health and of antimicrobial
The Sinn Fein MEP Liadh Ni Riada has welcomed the new

Out words: as well.


Dur: 0.19